Servicing a vehicle today has provided you, the consumer, with more options than ever before. Between the different tire selections, brake selections, and most importantly, oil selections, all of this can feel completely overwhelming.

This article will be used to provide some insight into the differences, benefits, and general knowledge about the different oil options that are available to choose from.

What is Synthetic Oil?

While the name might imply otherwise, synthetic oil is indeed oil, the difference is that it is actually somewhat man-made. The base is made from oil, powder additives, and components that help to evenly distribute the additives that are contained within the oil.

Like conventional oil, synthetic oil is also made from oil refining. It starts with highly refined crude oil but can also use artificially made compounds as a base. The major difference between synthetic and conventional oils is the level of refinement that is necessary.

Base or conventional oils fall into one of many “oil grades” which contain mineral oils extracted from crude. The different refinement processes and ingredients yield more control over the purity which can reduce engine sludge and increase performance.

Difference between synthetic oil & conventional oil at Mechanicsville Toyota | Synthetic oil being poured into car engine

Difference between synthetic oil & conventional oil at Mechanicsville Toyota | Regular oil being poured into car engine

Features and Benefits of Synthetic Oil:

Chances are, if you own a 2010 or newer Toyota, it most likely takes synthetic oil. With the vast improvements in car engines and higher performance, a higher-grade quality of oil running through that engine is necessary.

While fully synthetic oil is the purest type of oil, there is not currently a standard that grades synthetic oil. If you are not going to use a fully synthetic oil, the next step down would be a synthetic blend which is less refined than fully synthetic oils.

With a higher degradation in the quality of the oil also comes a reduction in price, so when you’re considering your next oil change, please make sure to consult with your service advisor here at Mechanicsville Toyota about your options.

One of the major benefits of using synthetic oil is that it has fewer impurities. This allows your engine to perform at a higher level for a longer period of time, so synthetic oil changes are not needed as frequently as conventional oil changes. While the cost of using synthetic might be slightly higher, the frequency of changing your oil drastically decreases.


What to do Next?

As you can tell, the options on the market are endless for consumers today. With the different brands and blends, it can be difficult to determine what you should be using in your vehicle. The next best steps are to consult a service advisor at your nearest Toyota dealership.

If you know your car is due for an oil change, you can schedule your next appointment or contact one of our staff members.

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